Crushes are fun and exciting, but they’re also pretty scary. The mere thought of your person gives you butterflies, let alone speaking to them face to face. You get terribly nervous when you’re around him/her. Whether it’s a bright red face, or you’re stumbling over your words, your crush has an insane effect on you. Not only that, but what the hell do you say when you want to talk dirty to someone you’re attracted to? Basically, they make you feel vulnerable, but according to intimacy educator Shan Boodram, this is a good thing. Even when two people don’t know each other yet, vulnerability can help build a connection just with one conversation. Boodram actually advises getting right to the deep and meaningful conversations and avoiding small talk. Plus, getting answers to the questions you really want to know can help you decide whether you want to take things further with your crush. It’s not uncommon to be super attracted to someone and then find out you’ve got no chemistry in the bedroom. So to avoid that, here are 271 interesting questions you can ask a guy or a girl and find out everything you need to know about them. 

50 Dirty Questions to Ask Your Crush (over text)

If you don’t feel comfortable asking your crush dirty questions and having dirty talk face to face, you can do it over text?

50 Dirty Questions to ask your crushDirty 21 Questions to ask your crush50 Truth or Dare Dirty Questions to ask your crushDirty Flirty Questions to ask your crush50 Dirty Would you rather QuestionsDirty Freaky Questions for SnapchatHow to flirt with your crush over the phone?

You can let your guard down and have plenty of fun knowing that your person can’t see you cringing under the covers when you hit the send button revealing your secret fantasies. If you want the conversation to keep going, but can’t think of any interesting questions to ask, here are 50 dirty questions to ask your crush: Reading Suggestion: 246 Flirty Questions To Ask your crush while texting

Dirty 21 Questions to Ask Your Crush

When you have a crush on someone, you spend hours thinking about them, and you want to know every last detail about their life. You’re intrigued by this person, they fascinate you and you’ve got a strong sexual attraction to them. To satisfy your curiosity, why not just ask them what you want to know? Here are 21 dirty questions to ask your crush: Reading Suggestion: What does it mean when he calls me instead of texting?

Truth or Dare Dirty Questions to Ask Your Crush

Do you want to know if your crush has got any skeletons in the closet? A fun way to find out is to play truth or dare. The more dares they choose over telling the truth, there’s a high chance that your potential lover has got something to hide. Here are 50 truth or dare questions to ask your crush: Reading Suggestion: 99 Text Messages to make him obsess over you Reading Suggestion: 245 Sexual Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend

Dirty Flirty Questions to Ask Your Crush

Are you looking to take flirting with your crush one step further? If you’re considering sleeping with him/her, why not find out more about their sexual preferences to ensure that your first time is everything you hoped it would be. Here are 50 dirty, flirty questions to ask your crush:  Reading Suggestion: 31 Signs he wants to make love to you

Would You Rather Dirty Questions to Ask Your Crush

Are you tired of awkward and forced conversations? Or maybe you find it difficult to talk dirty with your crush. Never run out of things to talk about with this interesting list of would you rather dirty questions to ask your crush: Reading Suggestion: What does it mean when a guy texts you every day?

Dirty Freaky Question Game For Snapchat 

Are you getting bored of texting your crush? Why not try a new way of flirting with Snapchat. The app allows you to add filters, take sultry selfies, add different backgrounds and play games. These dirty freaky question games are a low-pressure way to ramp up the flirting with your crush: Reading Suggestion: THIS is what he thinks when you don’t text him back Reading Suggestion: Why is she ignoring me if she likes me?

Tips on How to Flirt With Your Crush Over the Phone

If you’re not a naturally flirtatious person, flirting will take you out of your comfort zone, and you’ll feel very uncomfortable. The good news is that like most skills, you can learn how to flirt, here are some tips:

Sound the Part

Get your crush to fall head over heels in love with you by having the sexiest voice ever. Keep your voice soft and calm, speak slower than normal by pacing your voice. This will ensure the receiver hears every word you say, and fully digests each one as they roll effortlessly off your tongue. Additionally, to give the impression of confidence, adjust the tone of your voice, deepening and lowering it as you speak.

Compliment Your Crush

Giving your crush a genuine compliment using a soft tone will get them very excited. Say something like, “I love the way you dress, you always look so sophisticated.” Or you could impress them by giving him/her a compliment they’re less likely to hear such as, “I love how you take charge of every room you walk into, people are literally in awe of your presence.” You can’t go wrong with compliments like this, not only do people like being praised, but they give the impression that you think outside the box because you haven’t given the average compliment about looks. 

Tell Your Crush How They Make You Feel

Telling your crush how you feel isn’t about confessing your undying love for them, you don’t want to do that as you’ll probably scare them off. But you can Say something along the lines of, “your voice is so charming, it makes me feel really giddy inside.” Or, “the thought of kissing your lips has me tingling inside.” 

Hint That You Want to Know More

When people are interested in you, they want to know more about your life. Your person will be flattered that you’re asking, and they’ll be more than happy to give you extra details about their life. Ask specific questions that will get you the answers you’re looking for. You can ask your crush to tell you more about their hobbies, family, previous relationships, career, and interests. Make sure they’re leading questions so you can throw in some flirty responses, for example: Has anyone ever dumped you or broken your heart?” When they tell you about it, respond with something like: “she/he sure missed out on a hottie.”  Reading Suggestion: Did he block me because he cares?

Talk About Something You Remember About Them

Bonds are created through shared memories, so to deepen what you already have with your crush, you can talk about things like when you first met, the first time you heard him/her speak, how happy you were when you exchanged numbers, or the delightful smell of their cologne or perfume when you were first introduced. You could say something like: “I remember the first time I heard your voice, I literally stopped breathing for a few seconds.” Or, “I’ve never forgotten the smell of your perfume/aftershave the first time we met. You smelt so hot, I was totally blown away.” 

Talk About Your Body Parts

Take things up a notch and give your person something to think about by mentioning your body parts. As a guy, you could say something like, “my abs are seriously taking form with all these extra hours I’m putting in at the gym.” As a female, you might want to say something like, “my plump lips give the perfect kisses, and they can’t wait to meet yours.” 

Use the Right Body Language

Even if you’re speaking to your crush over the phone, the body language you choose to use will improve your confidence. In fact, studies have found that body language affects the tone of our voice. Avoid crossing your arm over your chest, as this will make your voice sound harsh. Instead, sit casually, stroke your hair, and wear a bashful smile. This type of body language will help you sound more flirtatious.  

Final Thought

Whether you plan on texting or speaking to your crush over the phone or face to face, you’ve got the perfect list of interesting questions to find out everything you need to know about your beloved. When you do get past the stage of crushing, you’ll be more than prepared to have the time of your life once you hit the sheets with your new partner.   Reading Suggestion: 9 Signs a Girl is jealous and likes you

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