With an arsenal of emojis, Gifs, memes, and now even Instagram Reels at your disposal, it’s become more interesting to flirt over text without coming on too strong. The key is to be creatively surprising without scaring him off. So, instead of pondering over, “How to flirt with guys over text?” and never actually giving it a go, read on to find out all the tips you need to know.

How To Flirt With Guys Over Text – 17 Tips To Do It Right 

Cute flirty text messages are the way to go but originality is key. How to flirt with guys over text is not just about using the right words, but using them in the right situation and making sure it reflects a part of you. You don’t want to oversell yourself and be all sizzle and no steak. Keeping it real is just as essential. To make him go gaga over you and ensure that you finally get your hot date, sending flirty texts to make him laugh and smile is the right way to start. But there is also a lot more that you can do. Confused? Well, we’ve got your back on this one. Here are 17 tips to amp up your game if you are unsure about how to flirt with guys over text:

1. Read the chat room before you dive into how to flirt with guys over text

To decide whether or not you should begin flirting at all depends on how the conversation has been going so far. You just have to be able to read a room. That’s why its’ equally important to know how to subtly flirt with a guy over text and pick up on his cues before you go all in. Is he sending you lots of emojis? Or is he laughing at the things you say?  You must take note of these things before you flirt with guys over text at all. You need to know if they are even into the conversation. If they are interested in talking to you and are responding sweetly enough, treat it as your go signal.  Try texting conversation starters and analyzing how interested he is in his responses. You can try sending:

“How’s your job going? Is it all you’d hope for?” “I’m so bored! How do you pass the time? Any suggestions?” “What did you do last weekend?”

2. Start slow 

Jumping in with “Your eyes are so beautiful, I could just drown in them” is probably not going to work in your favor if you’re thinking about trying flirty texts for him at night. You need to spend some time gauging how you can flirt with him. Once you’ve done that, you will have mastered the art of how to flirt over text without coming on too strong. Start with a simple and short “Aww, you’re just too funny!” or a “Thanks, cutie” initially. These are important flirting tips for beginners and it’s how to flirt with a guy on text. See, no rocket science, right? If he responds well to these, you know you can dive into deeper waters and get your flirting game going! To start slow, you can text:

“So, what does your ideal date look like?”“Hey good looking. What do you suggest I do for fun this weekend?”“Goodnight sweetie. Talk to you tomorrow”

3. Say his name a lot 

You know this works because as a girl, you fall for this one too. Girls and guys both find it extremely adorable when someone from the opposite sex calls them by their name. It is such a small simple thing but if done correctly, it can be an immediate turn-on. Of course, don’t say it in literally every message you send to this person. You can try saying something like:

“Oh Nick, you’ve got to stop it!” “Jeff, you’ve got such good taste in fashion”“Marcus you always crack me up!”

4. Pepper the conversation with some compliments 

Guys love compliments just as much as girls do – don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. In fact, the reason they like compliments is because they don’t usually get as many. How to compliment a guy through text is really no biggie. Just be honest and tell him the things you like about him. That is indeed the perfect way to start a flirty conversation. If you’re figuring out how to flirt with a guy over text without being obvious, try saying something like:

“That shirt looks so hot on you”“Omg! I love your new haircut” “I love how your hair looks, it’s super cute”  

5. To flirt over text during quarantine, tell him you were thinking of him

This one takes a little more guts but is super romantic and will leave your guy gushing. Under lockdown and can’t go out to meet your crush? Then you’re probably looking for ways to flirt over text during quarantine. If you haven’t texted or called him in a while, text him randomly in the middle of the day and say this to him. This is definitely not one of those flirting signs that guys miss. When you text him this, it’s definitely going to put a smile on his face. As you can probably tell by now, understanding how to flirt with guys over text isn’t really the hardest thing in the world. You just need to have the courage to say something like:

“I’ve been missing you” “I was thinking about you this morning” “I’ve been wanting to meet you, I miss you a little”

6. Send cute GIFs to start a flirty conversation

Sending cute flirty text messages is one thing but sending GIFs can take your game to a whole other level. A friend of mine always used to send romantic GIFs of a couple cuddling to the guy she was talking to every time she missed him. She said it worked like a charm.  How to subtly flirt with a guy over text? Send him a not-so-obvious GIF but one that is clear enough to make him know that something is definitely cooking. You can also send him something funny and cute, a bit of laughter never hurt anybody. If you’re looking to understand how to flirt with a guy on text, send him something like this along with a gif:

“This totally reminded me of you!” “Look at how adorable this dog is. Thought of you as soon as I saw him”“Isn’t this the funniest thing ever? Made me laugh almost as much as you do”

7. How to flirt with guys over text: Tease him a little 

Going slightly back and forth while flirting is a good tactic to keep someone hooked and interested. The same rule goes when you’re figuring out how to flirt with a guy over text. To learn how to subtly flirt with a guy is important but it is also equally important to learn how to pull back at the right moment.  Show him what he’s missing and that he can’t have you as easily as he would like. If you’re trying to know how to start a flirty conversation with a guy, this tactic is a pretty great way of doing so. In no time, you’re both going to be talking to each other with all those winking emojis. So, whether you’re figuring out how to flirt with a guy on whatsapp or how to flirt with a guy over text in long distance, try saying something like:

“Oh no, you’ll have to work a little harder than that to take me out” “That day I thought I might just give you a little kiss, maybe some day when you deserve it”“If you keep treating me this nice, I might just want to take you out”

8. Don’t be repetitive 

Cute flirty text messages do work in most cases but not if they are overused. The same phrases or the same repetitive style of talking can cancel out all the initial charm that helped you catch his fancy. You want to be dynamic and interesting to make a guy really like you.  Flirting constantly is also not something worth recommending. You don’t need to throw in a punchline every hour because that might make you appear a tad desperate. Keep it lighthearted and focus on non-flirty parts of the conversation by getting to know him better. If you’re looking for how to flirt over text examples while keeping it low-key, try:

“Your smile looks so good on you, no wonder I smile when I see it”“Did you do something special today or are you always this good looking?” “Working out again? No wonder you’ve got all that muscle”

9. Keep it classy 

Too many dirty texts are a strict no-no. While dirty texting has its allure, do not mix the two too much. One or two texts showing him that you’re turned on by him are healthy but by doing it over and over, you risk losing the guy. To flirt over text without coming on too strong, keep it a little cool. Going overboard with the sexual innuendos is nobody’s dream of being wooed. It makes you come across as someone with a one-track mind. Wondering how to flirt with a guy over text without being obvious? Try this:

“You were so good in that presentation the other day, no wonder you’re a genius” “I like how you keep yourself tidy, gotta appreciate the self-care”“I’ve been dying to go to this restaurant downtown. Take me out some day?”

10. Discuss scenarios with him

Let’s give you some how to flirt over text with a guy examples to show you what you could be saying. “I think we’d have a lot of fun ice skating” or “You have to try that burger with me!” are some ways to grab his attention and flirt with him in a sly way. In this way, he will know that you are actually interested in talking to him and not just doing it because you have nothing better to occupy yourself with. If you’re too confused about how to flirt with guys over text to make sure he replies, try:

“If we ever went bowling, would you teach me how to not be terrible at it?”“I’m sure I can totally boss it at mini-golf with you. What do you think?”“If we ever went on a hike together, who’s going to be the first one

11. Wondering how to flirt with guys over text? Use those emojis!

But not too many, please. Since texting is different from actually talking in person, a lot of emotions or feelings are not clearly expressed through this medium. If you think hard enough, sometimes the right emoji in the right place can make all the difference about what you want to convey. Plus, the emojis that guys use can tell you a lot about what he thinks of you. If you’re wondering how to start a flirty conversation with a guy, go ahead and use something like:

“It’s so cold today! Wonder what we could do to warm up ;)” “Hope you have a good day today <3” “What’s up, handsome? ;)”

12. Crack jokes 

Some of the best flirty texts to send a guy are funny ones. Everyone appreciates a good sense of humor and guys are definitely impressed when a woman can send flirty texts to make them laugh. There are also many funny online dating questions that you can try. This doesn’t mean sending memes all day long. While he will scroll through those gleefully, he won’t be impressed. It means bringing your A-Game at cracking jokes about the things he tells you or telling him funny stories yourself. If you’re all out of jokes, we’ve got you covered. Try:

“What did the fish say when it hit a wall? Dam!”“How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles!” “Wanna know what me and a bear have in common? We hibernate throughout winter”

13. Night time talking to flirt over text during quarantine

Maybe you’re trying to flirt over text during quarantine when the whole world is at home and the texting game is at an all-time high. Since his sleep schedule is probably as wack as yours during a period like this, consider texting him more at night. Talking at night, especially after midnight can take your flirting game to a different plane. There are many flirty texts for him at night that will make him ponder how he feels about you and respond to you. “Wish we could snuggle tonight” or “My blanket feels empty without you” are some texts that you can try to spark up a conversation post-bedtime. If you’re looking for more inspiration, try:

“The late night conversations hit different with the right person. Don’t you think?”“I feel super lonely all alone in my bed right now. Wish you could change that” “I’m so glad I’m talking to you before I sleep, it’s going to make my day tomorrow so much better’

14. Mix up your greetings while figuring out how to flirt with guys over text

Make note of these how to flirt with a guy over text examples. Using “Hey mister” or “Hey cute stuff” can only last so long. You cannot start every conversation with the same old message. How to flirt with guys over text is about keeping the conversation engaging. There are many cute texts that you can send your man instead. A monotonous tone or a dull “Hey, what’s up?” is boring. That stuff doesn’t work anymore. We’re all too busy to keep up with boring greetings. You can start with something like:

“I can’t stop staring at your profile picture today” “What do you think I should order for dinner tonight?”“Hey handsome, ever wonder what you did to have that killer smile going for you?”

15. How to flirt with guys over text starts in the Insta DMs

Sliding into DMs – everyone does it all day, every day on Instagram. For good reason. It actually works! Reply to their stories and shoot your shot. Since people do it so often, it is easy to get lost in the DMs of the person you are trying to hit on. You must say something relevant and catchy to make your DM notification truly stand out.  So if you’re wondering how to flirt with a guy on WhatsApp or Instagram, you can try:

“That looks delish, I guess I will have to get my food recommendations from you now” “I’ve wanted to go to that restaurant since so long! How was it?” “Looking really good, like you always do”

16. Send cute snaps 

If you’re a Snapchat aficionado, sending a few snaps is key to flirting. This approach holds for Instagram and any other texting app too. Keeping it visual makes a person look forward to a conversation. To flirt with guys over text is double fun when you have snaps, filters, and funny stickers to work with. If you’re wondering how to flirt with a guy on text that you can use on Snapchat, try:

“Notice that I’m not smiling, that can be fixed if you were here with me”“Wanted to see your cute face, send me a snap!” “See how empty my room is? That’s because you’re not here!”

17. Understand texting etiquette before starting a flirty conversation

The double texting, the waiting for a response before jumping in to reply – all fall under this umbrella term. You need to pick up on hints and know how much you should be investing in a conversation. It can be counterproductive to go all the way and ask three back-to-back questions with a wink emoji.  Don’t let the conversation fall apart but know when to space out your responses. It is a skill to bring the spark back up when you need to when thinking about how to subtly flirt with a guy. If you’re wondering how to flirt with a guy over text long distance or just need some  “how to flirt over text” examples, here’s what you can try:

“Missed you at work/college today. What’s up?” “That blue shirt is doing wonders for you”“Let me know when you can give me a call, miss hearing your voice”

How to flirt with guys over text can be more fun than intimidating, especially if you’re investing your energies and effort in the right person. If you want this flirtatious back and forth to translate into more, CLICK HERE to discover the Dark Feminine Art that inspires deep adoration & commitment from men. Remember, some of the best flirty texts to send a guy are not the ones you plan, but the ones you feel. You do not have that much to lose online because you can always try again and get back on your feet. 

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