Affair With A Younger Man

I am attracted to a younger man and I cannot stay away from him. I keep thinking if plunging into an affair with him would be the worst thing to do.  But let me tell you my life story first before we talk about my affair with a younger man. (As told to Irewati Nag) I married Sriram about nine years ago. I was 23 then. Before Sriram, I used to be head-over-heels in love with Karanjeet. He was this hot and tall Punjabi boyfriend of mine who drove around the city on a Bullet and was a year my senior in college, but at least 4-5 years older. When my mom got to know about my affair, she advised me to give him up. Although initially, I thought she was interfering and domineering; later on, I understood what she meant.

My loser boyfriend

Karan was a loser. He was not good at studies, blew his dad’s money to take me around on his bike. I was and still am a candle-light-dinner, chocolates and roses loving person. I loved every bit of attention Karan showered on me. He was generous in giving me all the attention I needed, took me everywhere I wanted to, said the right things at the right time, and the proverbial sweeping-me-off-my-feet happened. I always knew that I was famous for being beautiful. Although I was not talkative and did not have many friends in college, people knew me. I enjoyed all the attention. I am shameless enough to admit the fact that I enjoy soaking in attention, find flirting tantalising, and above all, had a very outgoing personality.So, after the unwelcome interference of my mom in my affair, she drove home the point that life can’t be lived with dad’s money. Her assessment of Karanjeet being from a male-dominated family also seemed to be true. Now that I sit back and think, I know that I was stupid to have thought of him as my partner. My parents soon found Sriram through an arranged marriage route. First, his parents came and met me. He did not reach me or call me before our wedding. I never got a response to any of the sweet romantic messages I sent to him. He now tells me that he was scared to reply to my words.

The arranged marriage took place

We got married soon after my post-graduation, and I moved to a different city. My in-laws are reasonably good people. My mom had found a good match. Sriram had bought a two-bedroom house by the time he turned 25. His parents were well off and living separately, and they were okay with me wearing shorts, skirts and sleeveless tops (Yes, those things matter to me). I could never tell Sriram about Karanjeet before marriage, never gathered the courage to say to him till date. Every time I meet my friends who are so open about everything, I feel a pinch of guilt. But I think Sriram will be super judgmental about my past. So, I have decided to take it with me to my grave.

My short weekend trip

The possibility of an extramarital affair with a younger man took off at this weekend trip. Recently, I went on a weekend trek with a popular holiday group in my city. Sriram is generous enough to give me some time off my daily routine life. He gives me space otherwise my life is very boring. I want to start working, but do not have the drive enough to go out and look for it. So once in a while, I go on these short weekend trips. I recently met Sanjay on a trek. I smote him. Objectively speaking, I am mistaken to be a 22-year-old, while I am a decade older. I did not tell him initially about my background. I just went with the flow. But sooner it did come out in the conversation that I was 32 and had a daughter. He is 25, seven years younger. But does that matter? Older women younger men relationships do happen. “Reshma, why the hell are you married?” was his first reaction when I told him. I could feel that he was depressed.

I am attracted to this younger man

We are always in touch now. I know that I blush while reading every message from him, like a teenager. I don’t want Sriram to see me blush, so I have instructed Sanjay to not message me after 8 in the evening. My life has suddenly become exciting. I go out to meet him at his office, have an enjoyable lunch which usually lasts 3-4 hours. He gives me the time which my workaholic husband refuses to provide me with. My husband has no time for me so I ended up falling for a younger man. I love salsa. He is good at it. I enjoy the intimacy salsa brings between us. I sometimes wish Sriram was Sanjay. I wish I was not in an extramarital affair with a younger man. Sanjay has a superbike. We once went on a long drive in the rain. I could not help but get a little intimate with him. No, we did not have sex, but I admit that the temptation to have sex exists. I just have to say yes; guilt is stopping me. I think I am suffering from cheater’s guilt. 

Do I have to choose?

The truth is, I know I love Sriram, he has brought stability to my life, but he is too good a person. I would like it if he also did everything that Sanjay does to me. Sanjay doesn’t hesitate to show his love and affection in public. Sriram doesn’t even touch me in front of a third person (also if that is our daughter) and he is not affectionate or romantic. Sriram has no time for me, and I know he slogs his ass off to make my life and my daughter’s life comfortable. But I would like it if he could take me out to dinner, clubbing once in a while, play a little naughty and just show affection in all possible ways. But no, he will not. I want all of this, and I have no guts to express it to Sriram. So I have got attracted to someone else who is opposite my husband.

My extramarital affair with a younger man

Is it wrong to get attracted to someone willing to give me all that I want? Assuming I was to have sex with Sanjay, why is it illegal? Just because it becomes a cause for divorce? Or only because society has branded it wrong? Just because I sleep with Sanjay, it does not mean that I love Sriram any less. At this stage of my life, I am mature enough to differentiate between lust and love. I know that my affair (I am not sure if I would like to brand it so) with Sanjay will not last long. I know that it is just the ‘Making hay while the sun shines,’ type of a situation. But I am not sure how this will end. For now, I am just going with the flow. I am immersing myself in my extramarital affair with a younger man and loving every bit of it.

I Am Attracted To A Younger Man Who Is The Opposite Of My Husband - 76I Am Attracted To A Younger Man Who Is The Opposite Of My Husband - 76I Am Attracted To A Younger Man Who Is The Opposite Of My Husband - 14I Am Attracted To A Younger Man Who Is The Opposite Of My Husband - 77I Am Attracted To A Younger Man Who Is The Opposite Of My Husband - 43