How To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work Some Valuable Tips

But a few decades ago, many wouldn’t have chosen ‘loving from a distance’ or staying apart in distant countries, owing to lots of complications, trust issues, and limited communication opportunities. Starting a long-distance relationship now is not all that difficult. Because things are different now. In this inter-connected era of mobile applications, you don’t just have to spend dull and depressed days missing them a lot. Decades back couples in long-distance relationships had to wait for months to receive a single phone call....

December 17, 2022 · 10 min · 1984 words · Denise Kraft

How To Make The Other Woman Go Away 9 Tried And Tested Tips

It’s never easy figuring out how to stop another woman from stealing your man. You might be consumed by thoughts of extreme revenge, messy scenarios of confronting the other woman, and even ways to make the other woman suffer. You’re emotional and full of righteous anger against your husband and the other woman. Now, you’re entitled to these feelings and we don’t want to disregard that. But for a better life overall, there are ways to make the other woman go away and keep your dignity intact, too....

December 17, 2022 · 14 min · 2917 words · Lucille Hurtado

How To Redefine Gender Roles In Household Chores

The traditional gender roles in household in a ‘normal’ heterosexual relationship were designed so that men could go out to work and fight wars while women stayed home to take care of every household duty, including childcare, cooking, cleaning, playing nurse and teacher, and so on and so forth. But gone are the days when men went to the frontiers to wage wars while women stayed home to take care of babies and the queers just stayed in the closet trying to stay as quiet as possible....

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1489 words · Booker Miles

How To Save A Relationship

In such moments, it is important to reflect on whether you’ve done everything to save a relationship in crisis. If yes, then where do you go from here? If not, then what can you do to fix a relationship in trouble? And most importantly, how do you know if your relationship is worth saving. Sometimes bad relationships, codependent relationships or a narcissistic partner can leave you drained. In that case, too, can you save a relationship?...

December 17, 2022 · 14 min · 2840 words · Pamela Lanning

How To Spice Up Your Sex Life

Related reading: 5 types of lingerie for the woman who likes to spice it up Tips to spice up your sex life So, if you need some chillis, here are a few tricks and tips to add spice to your sex life. Remember to use these chillis wisely to not burn your tongues. 1. Set up the background A little hard work to make things harder to get is always fruitful....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 609 words · Tristan Lambert

I Have To Go Through Painful Intercourse And Can T Enjoy Intimacy

I Have To Go Through Painful Intercourse The pain and burning sensation after the intercourse is unbearable. I had heard people have painful intercourse after menopause but with me I am suffering so much at 28. I got married at 26 and it wasn’t that bad initially although there was a bit of pain always. How can I handle this pain? I keep thinking something is wrong with me and I don’t feel like telling my husband how much he causes me pain....

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 661 words · Laura Ladwig

Living In A Dysfunctional Marriage With Marital Conflicts

Whether you have stopped texting each other all about your day when you’re at work, or don’t seem to have sex anymore or have incessantly long fights with each other every other night, you could be in a marriage that is on the rocks. What Is A Dysfunctional Marriage? A happy marriage is one where there is plenty of understanding, commitment, love and openness. Of course, even in the happiest of marriages, not everyday is perfect and there is a fair share of arguments, conflicts and hurt....

December 17, 2022 · 6 min · 1096 words · Kelly Blakenship

Love In The Mahabharata An Instrument For Change And For Revenge

It is said, that what is in the epic Mahabharata, is everywhere and what isn’t in it, just doesn’t exist. While love is capable of many things, I am quite impressed by its ability to transform as well as avenge. I want to be a free bird Let me give you a beautiful example of love transforming. The King of Mandukya’s daughter, Sushobhana, didn’t want to get married, as she felt that marriage was like caging a free bird....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 990 words · John Leider

Matters Of The Heart Weekly Global News December 9 2022

1. Saying ‘thank you’ can save your relationship The findings of new research suggest that gratitude from one’s partner may be a powerful tool for couples as it increases relationship satisfaction and commitment while protecting couples from the corrosive effects of ineffective arguing and financial stress. Researcher Allen W. Barton said, “Our main hypothesis was that perceived gratitude from one’s partner would have what we call stress-buffering effects – that it would protect couples from the declines in relationship quality that typically happen when you have negative communication or when you have higher levels of financial strain....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 564 words · Edward Kurian

Pms What It Does To Women And Why

The bloody underwear splatter, the gnawing pain in the stomach and the unquenchable thirst for fast food and sleep are all part of the fun package arriving once a month. Of course, the pain is common to all. The emotional response, however, is different for different people. All women have different PMS symptoms, and all of us have different ways to deal with it. In scientific terms, PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, refers to the physical or emotional changes that occur in women owing to hormonal changes throughout the month....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 973 words · David Moore

Raksha Bandhan Ties Of Love That Are Greater Than Those Of Blood

Gorging on bowls of sweets. The gifts, of course. But above all, knowing that at least today you and your brother won’t be at each other’s throats, pulling hair, kicking, screaming – almost vying for blood! As you grow up, you begin to understand what Raksha Bandhan really means. Your bond with your brother changes. Fewer fights, more affection. You go from being sworn adversaries to lifelong friends, and that’s when you truly begin to appreciate the spirit of this festival in true earnest....

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 815 words · Rosa Mccarthy

Relationship Chemistry What Is It Types And Signs

“I feel like I have really great physical chemistry with people I have absolutely nothing else in common with,” complains Alex. “And then I’ll meet a really nice guy, but no chemistry. At least not the same sort of instant attraction I usually feel. It’ll be good to talk to them and hang out and spend lots of time together, but that spark seems to be missing.” While we fully support a strong physical pull and acting on it for your pleasure, relationship chemistry can and does go beyond that instant spark....

December 17, 2022 · 12 min · 2537 words · Amy Mirabal

Sexy Nicknames To Give Him For More Intimacy

Now, there is a gap between what you call him when you are out for dinner with other civilized people and what you tantalizingly whisper in his ears to give him goosebumps when you’re both ready to drop your pants in the bedroom. And usually, the name that electrifies your man in private might make him go red in the face when you call it out in public, let’s say in front of his friends....

December 17, 2022 · 7 min · 1319 words · Howard Light

Should I Stop Being Always The First To Text 9 Solid Reasons You Should

If you’re the one to always text him first, then you’re familiar with the heavy weight of a conversation, hell, even a relationship! You’ve got to stop texting him first, take a step back, and allow him to make a move for once. It can surely go both ways. However, it seems that you’re searching to confirm whether he is interested in you or not. Look at these tips to guide you in the right direction!...

December 17, 2022 · 9 min · 1855 words · Lillian Hayes

Story Of Tulsidas When A Husband Took His Wife Too Seriously

“Go home,” he was advised. But home is where the heart is, and his heart was with his beloved young wife. As he stood there, drenched and pondering, a dead body floated by. Current passion clearly has scant regard for the departed, so Tulsidas, craving union with his wife, used the stiffened cadaver to row himself across the swollen waters. Surprised to see him, Ratnavali asked how he had even got there....

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 747 words · Mark Trevino

Surviving And Keeping Marriage Strong After Kids

It took our newborn less than a week to destroy all our plans, ideals, and goals. The reality of it all is that no matter how much you plan, it will never go as planned. Surviving marriage after kids may sound like a cakewalk, it is anything but. After the baby came along, sleep-deprived and often tired, even the simplest of things like ‘What to have for dinner?’ or ‘What movie to watch?...

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 842 words · Roy Rodriquez

The Body Language Mistakes Women Make At The Workplace

What are those female body language mistakes? In this detailed interview, psychiatrist and cognitive therapist Dr Shefali Batra tells us what are some female body language mistakes and also what can be done to correct those. What Is The Office Etiquette That Should Be Followed When You Are A Woman? There are two things that a woman leader needs to express through her body language, rather any leader needs to express through their body language....

December 17, 2022 · 8 min · 1625 words · Alice Collins

The Love Story Of Maya And Meera

“Our homes are a mere four-five kilometers away, but it has taken us 14-15 years to cover that distance and find each other…” Maya and Meera began their story with this revelation. Introverted, creative Maya was the first one to speak. A long nightmare “I was born in a deeply religious and orthodox Hindu family in eastern India, and had to fight to complete my Class XII education. I was 18 when I got married....

December 17, 2022 · 4 min · 798 words · Sherry Francisco

The Passive Aggressive Narcissist

Although the classic narcissist is often thought of as charming, boisterous and positive (in public), they can also reflect traits of the passive-aggressive personality. They can be negativistic in outlook, blame others and engage in frequent complaining and whining. Narcissists will tell you that they will do something, but if they don’t want to do it for whatever reason, they won’t- just like the passive-aggressive personality. There are some narcissists who never display the charming, boisterous façade but only the negative personality (along with lack of empathy and other defining characteristics of NPD)....

December 17, 2022 · 5 min · 1053 words · Sandra Douglass

The Pros And Cons Of Sexual Fantasies In Relationships

What are the pros? 1. Brings sparkle and adventure into the relationship A dull and boring relationship can become exciting, adventurous and spicy if you and your partner are on the same page when it comes to making your sexual fantasies a reality. Role-playing, wearing sexy lingerie, using sex toys, taking a naked bath can all spice up your sex life. Dirty talking, stripping, lap dancing, etc. are some other fantasies that can help add sparkle to your relationship....

December 17, 2022 · 3 min · 477 words · Angelina Swanhart