The bloody underwear splatter, the gnawing pain in the stomach and the unquenchable thirst for fast food and sleep are all part of the fun package arriving once a month. Of course, the pain is common to all. The emotional response, however, is different for different people. All women have different PMS symptoms, and all of us have different ways to deal with it. In scientific terms, PMS, or premenstrual syndrome, refers to the physical or emotional changes that occur in women owing to hormonal changes throughout the month. The exact reason for PMS is still not known, which is why many consider PMS as a myth. If bloating, acne breakout, irritability, fatigue, major psychological and physical changes do not bring out the monster in you once a month, you belong to the rare, titanium-strong group of women. For the rest of us, PMS is a real thing and not a myth; and no, we do not use PMS as an excuse to be bitches once a month.

10 Women Share What PMS Does To Them

Women go through a roller coaster of emotions around their period, and that’s perhaps why men dread PMS. From aches and pains to emotional outbursts, you can expect just about anything during this time of the month. Here are some of the things women go through during their PMS:

1. Taking days off is out of the question

I call it “about bloody time”. I am a professor and have classes to teach. So taking days off is out of the question. During PMS, I keep my emotions in check and do not let any student’s behavior affect me. But my very understanding husband respects my emotional outbursts at home during that time. I have learned to be very patient. It took me years to keep the PMS buddy in check. Now I can tell when I am overreacting, and when my emotional outburst is justified.

2. Hot water bag and loads of green tea & chocolate

Feels like there is a monster playing dagger-drumming against my uterus walls. I pacify it with a hot water bag and loads of green tea and ample amounts of chocolate. Surround yourself with your favorite comfort food during this time of the month. Green tea and dark chocolate are known to have multiple benefits, especially during and before your period. Stock up on some healthy snacks too, and don’t forget to drink lots of water.

3. The monster boss at work 

I got pissed at my boss for giving me a major workload. Women at work often face this difficulty when they are experiencing PMS symptoms. So I got back at him by working till 11 on the weekends until he told me to go home. Revenge accomplished!

4. I stuff myself with food

I gain weight during my periods. I stuff myself with food everywhere. I have chocolates in my bag, hot chips packets in store, tubs full of ice cream (even though the cold ice cream makes it even worse). I eat panipuris, bhelpuri and tomato sauce mixed together. I even had Maggi with pizza once because why not? Your PMS is the worst time to get on a diet because you just can’t control yourself around food. The only thing you feel like doing is binge-eating, sleeping, and rewatching your favorite romcoms.

5. I yelled at my boyfriend

“Because he had downloaded the wrong kind of movie. I had asked for a 1080p and he had downloaded 480p. I made him sit in the verandah and told him he can’t enter the bedroom until he downloaded the entire movie. By the time, he was done, I was fast asleep on the couch.

6. A movie had brought me to tears 

When I was PMS-ing, my mother caught me crying while watching a sappy film on the TV. I had watched the film multiple times before but one of my biggest PMS symptoms is getting emotional. She felt so terrible she took me shopping.

7. I did not want to go to work

I rode up and down in the elevator because I did not want to go to work that day. I was doing anything to avoid entering office and silently prayed that the elevator stopped working. I finally got off the elevator when my supervisor caught me riding the elevator for half an hour.

8. I cry every time I watch Titanic 

I cry every time I watch Titanic during my PMS. It is like a ritual for me. Can you blame me? Watching young Leonardo DiCaprio sacrifice himself for his lover brings me to tears every single time!

9. I cried in the middle of an Uber ride

What did I say about being an emotional wreck during my PMS? The songs being played in the car were too depressing. The driver had to stop the car and ask me what was wrong. It was embarrassing for me to admit that Adele was the reason I was in tears.

10. I got mad at my boyfriend

Because he got blueberry cheesecake instead of strawberry. I left the room in my pyjamas and caught a late-night movie and put my phone on silent. By the time I got back home, he had called all of my friends and my sister’s husband who were all out looking for me. I got yelled at by my sister for doing that. So, if you are feeling irritable during your “about bloody time”, AKA your PMS time, know you are not alone. You have 3 million women in the world facing the same symptoms as you are. So buckle up. Being a woman is not easy. But to get through this, every month, for 30 years at a stretch, is an achievement. We can take a little pride in that.

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